What is Couple's Therapy?
Relationships are not always smooth sailing. Anyone can tell you that even the happiest of marriages have moments where conflict and compromise are necessary. If you are considering a separation or divorce, you may want to consider couples therapy to ensure that you cannot reconcile with your spouse.

Mpower Minds defines couple’s therapy as, “a type of counselling that targets both the individual and the romantic bond, with the goal of improving communication between partners and strengthening their connection.” While couple’s therapy may sound like a last ditch effort, in reality, going to couple’s therapy sessions can be a very healthy step to save a relationship.
What is the Benefit?
Going to couple’s therapy is usually a sign that both parties in the couple are interested in working on their relationship in a committed and intentional way. We believe that couples should seek therapy long before they think they need to. Small relationship issues can grow into big ones quickly when they are not addressed immediately. Couple’s therapy provides tools and techniques to improve conflict resolution skills and communication in general.
A well-trained couple’s therapist who seeks to deeply understand both you and your partner can support you by implementing strategies and tools to change the way that you communicate. They can also guide you to shift any unhealthy dynamics in your relationship that may be causing some of the overwhelming conflict.
Your therapist will also help you to reveal difficult feelings in a way that allows you and your partner to be vulnerable with one another. This vulnerability can allow for better understanding and deeper bonds between one another.
Not a Guarantee
While deeper understanding does bring clarity, it does not necessarily mean that the clarity is enough to save your relationship. Either way, you will get the clarity on what the best next step for you and your partner will be. Whether it is to move forward with a separation or divorce, to stop ongoing divorce proceedings, or to attempt your relationship again, your couple’s therapist will help you to make the best decision for you and your partner.
We're Here For You
If you are ready to move forward with a divorce or a separation agreement, we are here for you. The decision that you reach following your therapy sessions will help allow you to create the next chapter of your life with understanding, clarity, and purpose. Our dedicated and experienced attorneys will make sure that your interests and needs are heard and advocated for throughout the litigation/settlement process. Our mission is to protect what’s most important to you. You can reach us at [email protected] for more information, or call us at 914.615.9058.
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