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What Happens to Pets During a New York Divorce?

When married couples in New York decide to part ways, the process can be complex, especially when there are pets involved. For many people, pets are considered as members of the family. This can make it emotionally challenging to decide who will take custody. While the law treats pets differently from children, New York has made strides in recognizing the importance of pets in divorce proceedings. If you’re going through a divorce, or at the information-gathering stage of a divorce, and have a beloved pet, an experienced New York divorce attorney can help you understand your options and protect your rights. This week’s blog will offer an informative background and the implications a divorce can have on you and your pet.

Pets as Property in New York

Under New York law, pets are considered personal property, similar to furniture or vehicles. However, courts have begun to consider the welfare of pets, especially in contested cases. Unlike child custody disputes, which focus on the child’s best interests, pet custody often centers around who has a stronger attachment or bond with the pet in question.


This is where an experienced divorce attorney or divorce lawyer can be instrumental. They can help present evidence that demonstrates your relationship with the pet, such as vet records, payment for pet care, and other relevant documentation. A seasoned divorce lawyer will work to show that your continued custody is in the pet’s best interest.

Recent Developments in New York Pet Custody Laws

In recent years, New York has moved towards a more pet-friendly approach in divorce cases. For example, judges now have the discretion to consider the pet’s best interests, although this is not a formalized legal standard. This means that while pets are technically still considered property, judges may look at who has been primarily responsible for the pet’s care and well-being.


If you are facing a divorce and are worried about losing your pet, consulting with a qualified divorce attorney is essential. A divorce lawyer who understands these developments can help you build a strong case for keeping your pet.

Factors Courts Consider in Pet Custody Cases

When it comes to determining who gets custody of a pet in a New York divorce, courts may look at several factors:


  1. Primary Caregiver: Who has been responsible for feeding, walking, and grooming the pet? A divorce attorney can help you gather evidence to prove that you have been the pet’s primary caregiver.


  1. Living Arrangements: If one party is moving to a location where pets are not allowed, this could influence the court’s decision. Your divorce lawyer can assist in demonstrating that your home is a suitable environment for the pet.


  1. Financial Capability: Pets come with expenses, so the court may consider who is financially better-equipped to care for the pet. A knowledgeable divorce attorney can help you present your financial situation favorably.


  1. Emotional Connection: While this may be harder to measure, courts sometimes consider the emotional attachment between the pet and each party. A skilled divorce lawyer can help you provide testimony and evidence that highlights your bond with the pet.

Shared Custody and Visitation Rights

In some cases, couples may agree to share custody of their pet or arrange for visitation rights. This arrangement can work well if both parties are committed to the pet’s well-being and can cooperate effectively. A divorce attorney can assist in drafting a pet custody agreement that outlines the details of shared custody or visitation rights. This agreement can include:


  • Living Arrangements: Your plan can include details about where the pet will live and for how long.


  • Visitation Schedule: Your agreement should include specific days and times for the other party’s visitations with the pet.


  • Expenses: A comprehensive agreement should outline how you and the other parent of the pet will split costs related to the pet’s regular car, such as food, grooming, and veterinary bills.


An experienced divorce lawyer can help to ensure that the terms are legally binding and enforceable, giving you peace of mind that you and your pet’s needs will be met.

Negotiating Pet Custody with Your Ex-Spouse

Negotiating pet custody with your ex-spouse can be challenging, especially if emotions are running high. However, with the help of a divorce attorney, you can work toward a resolution that benefits both parties and, most importantly, your pet. Your divorce lawyer will guide you through the negotiation process, helping you find common ground and reach an agreement.

Tips for Protecting Your Pet in a Divorce

Here are some helpful tips that can help you secure custody of your pet in a New York divorce:


  1. Gather Documentation: You may want to collect as much evidence as possible that shows your involvement in the pet’s life. This can include vet bills, grooming receipts, and even photos. A divorce lawyer can help you organize these documents effectively.


  1. Propose a Custody Arrangement: If you are open to sharing custody, work with your divorce attorney to draft a proposal that details how much time each parent will spend with the pet and even on what days each parent will have the pet.


  1. Be Prepared for Mediation/Negotiation: As with many other aspects of a divorce, it is likely that you will need to make some type of compromise with your spouse when it comes to your divided time with the pet. Your divorce attorney, as a skilled negotiator, should be able to help you advocate for your preferred outcome.


  1. Stay Calm and Focused: Pet custody battles can become emotional. You may want to seek emotional guidance from a licensed therapist to help you identify and cope with your emotions stemming from your ongoing divorce.

The role of a Divorce Attorney in Pet Custody Disputes

Having a divorce attorney by your side during pet custody disputes can make a significant difference. A knowledgeable divorce lawyer can help you navigate the legal complexities and advocate for your interests. Here are some of the ways an experienced divorce attorney can assist:


  • Legal Advice: An experienced divorce lawyer will provide you with personalized advice based on your unique situation, helping you understand you rights and options.


  • Representation in Court: If your case goes to court, a divorce attorney will represent you and present a compelling case on your behalf.


  • Negotiation Skills: A skilled divorce lawyer can negotiate with your ex-spouse of their attorney to reach a fair and amicable agreement.


  • Drafting Legal Documents: Your divorce attorney can help you draft and review any agreements related to pet custody, ensuring they are legally sound and enforceable.

We're Here For You

Divorce is never easy, and when pets are involved, the process can become even more complicated. In New York, while pets are still legally considered property, courts are increasingly considering the well-being of pets in divorce cases. With the help of knowledgeable divorce attorney or divorce lawyer, you can protect your rights and work toward an outcome that ensures your pet remains in your care.


Whether you’re seeking sole custody or are open to a shared arrangement for visitation and access, our skilled divorce attorneys can guide you through the process, advocate for your interests, and help you reach a resolution that prioritizes your pet’s well-being. Don’t leave your pet’s future to chance – consult with one of our qualified divorce lawyers to understand your rights and explore your options. We can help you understand your options and advocate for your best interests throughout the process. Our mission is to protect what’s most important to you. You can reach us at for mor information, or call us at 914.615.9058.

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