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Divorcing a Narcissist

Divorcing a narcissist, or someone who displays narcissistic traits, can be exceptionally challenging. It often involves emotional turbulence and complex legal battles. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) introduces unique hurdles in the divorce process, making it essential to approach the situation with a well-informed strategy. This week’s blog will offer a comprehensive guide on how to approach divorce when your spouse is either a diagnosed narcissist, or someone who displays narcissistic tendencies. Using our vast experience in divorce and family law, we will offer your practical advice and highlight the importance of a skilled divorce attorney to achieve the best possible outcome.

Understanding Narcissistic Tendencies

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a  mental health condition characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy. It is important to note that we are not clinical specialists in mental health and are not able to diagnose individuals with personality disorders, however, we can help shed some light on some of the traits that are commonly shown by narcissists and people with narcissistic tendencies. Here are some characteristics often shown:


  • Exaggerated self-importance: They may have an inflated sense of their own achievements and capabilities.
  • Excessive Need for admiration: They crave constant validation and praise.
  • Lack of empathy: They struggle to recognize or care about the feelings and needs of others.
  • Exploitative behavior: They often use others to achieve their goals. 
  • Arrogance and entitlement: They believe they deserve special treatment and may act superior to others.

Understanding these traits can help you to anticipate the challenges you may face in high-stakes conflicts with a narcissist, such as a divorce, and strategize for managing these conflicts effectively.

What Challenges Occur When Divorcing a Narcissist?

As we’ve already mentioned, divorcing a narcissist provides some unique challenges:


  1. Manipulation and deception: Narcissists are skilled manipulators who may distort facts, lie, or create false narratives to serve their interests. This can complicate legal proceedings and make it difficult to achieve a fair outcome.
  2. Prolonged litigation: Narcissists tend to use the legal process to exert their control over their spouse and punish them, particularly when their spouse is the one who initiated the divorce. This can often lead to extended and costly legal battles. They may also engage in tactics designed to drag out the process, which can increase stress and expenses further. An example of one of these tactics is what is commonly referred to as “motion-practice”.
  3. Emotional abuse: The emotional toll of divorcing a narcissist can be significant. Narcissists may engage in psychological manipulation, causing emotional distress and further complicating the divorce process.
  4. Custody disputes: If children are involved, a narcissistic ex-spouse may use them as pawns during the divorce. This leads to particularly contentious divorces. Your spouse may also engage in parental alienation in an attempt to undermine your relationship with your children. 

Narcissistic spouses tend to hire narcissistic attorneys. These unique challenges require a special level of expertise. It is important that if you find yourself facing a divorce with a narcissistic spouse, you hire an attorney experienced in dealing with narcissists in divorce.

Preparing for Divorce With a Narcissist

Preparation is crucial when divorcing a narcissistic spouse. Here are some essential steps to consider:


  • Document everything: Keep thorough records of all interactions, agreements, and incidents involving your spouse. This documentation can serve as evidence in Court and help protect your interests. Include details such as communication logs, financial records, and any instances of abusive behavior.
  • Consult an experienced divorce attorney: You should meet with a divorce lawyer who has experience handling complex cases, particularly ones that involve a narcissistic individual. A lawyer with this expertise will be better equipped to anticipate and address the specific challenges you face. Look for attorneys who are adept at managing high-conflict situations and are familiar with the tactics commonly employed by narcissists.
  • Develop a Clear Strategy: Work with your attorney to create a well-defined strategy for your divorce. This includes setting realistic goals, understanding your legal rights, and preparing for potential tactics your spouse may use. A clear strategy will help you stay focused and navigate the process more effectively.
  • Seek Emotional Support: Divorcing a narcissist can be emotionally draining. Engaging in therapy or joining support groups can provide you with the emotional support and coping strategies needed to manage stress. A mental health professional can also help you deal with any psychological abuse or manipulation experienced during your divorce process.
  • Focus on the Children: If you have children, prioritize their well-being throughout the divorce. Develop a parenting plan that emphasizes their best interests and ensures stability and consistency for them. Be prepared for your narcissistic spouse to use the children as leverage and work with your attorney to address any custody disputes or concerns of parental alienation. It is important that you do not sink to their level. You should never attempt to manipulate your children or alienate the other parent. Let your lawyers and the Court intervene, when needed, to ensure that your child’s best interests are represented.

Potential Legal Strategies for Divorcing a Narcissist

While this blog is not intended to be used as legal advice, nor should it be used as legal advice, when picking your attorney, you should look for attorneys that have proactive litigation:


  1. Protect your assets: Narcissists may attempt to hide assets or engage in financial deceit and/or dissipation. Your attorney can help you uncover hidden assets and ensure a fair division of property. Forensic accountants and financial experts may be necessary to trace and evaluate assets accurately. 
  2. Establish boundaries: Setting clear boundaries with your narcissistic spouse is essential to minimize manipulation and control. Your lawyer can assist in drafting agreements that protect your rights and interests. Ensure that communication is formal and documented to avoid misunderstandings or manipulation.
  3. Utilize expert witnesses: In cases where financial or psychological issues are contested, which often becomes tru in divorces involving a narcissist, expert witnesses such as forensic accountants and psychologists can provide crucial testimony. These experts help to clarify complex issues and provide objective evaluations of your spouse’s behavior and its impact on the relevant topics in your divorce proceedings.
  4. Handle custody disputes: When dealing with custody arrangements, focus on presenting evidence that demonstrates your commitment to the children’s well-being. Document any instances of manipulation or harmful behavior by your spouse. Your attorney can help you develop a strong case for custody based on the best interests of your children.

Post-Divorce Considerations

After your divorce is finalized, challenges with your narcissistic spouse may persist. In this section, we will offer some tips for managing post-divorce issues:


  1. Agreement enforcement: It is important to ensure that all agreements and Court Orders are enforced. If your ex-spouse fails to comply with your Court Order, consult with your attorney to take appropriate legal action. On occasion, it may require Court intervention to enforce a Court Order. 
  2. Maintaining new boundaries: It is important that you continue to keep boundaries with your narcissistic ex-spouse in order to minimize contact and reduce opportunities for manipulation. Communicate through formal channels, such as emails or texts, in order to keep a record of all interactions.
  3. Focus on your self-care regimen: Going through a divorce is never easy, even for the spouse initiating the divorce. When the dynamic of a narcissistic spouse is added to the divorce, it can become even more stressful. It is important that you take care of yourself and get the help you may need to fully process your divorce and resulting new chapter of your life. Our office frequently connects our clients with mental health professionals following the execution of their divorce.
  4. Co-Parenting Strategies: Develop a co-parenting plan that minimizes conflict and focuses on the best interests of your children. Use formal communication methods and avoid discussing personal matters with your ex-spouse. Implement strategies to ensure consistency and stability for your children.

Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney

We’ve discuss the potential strong legal strategies that can be employed during a divorce with a narcissist. But selecting the right divorce attorney is just as important when dealing with a narcissistic spouse. Here are some qualities in attorneys that you will want to look for when you begin meeting and consulting with them:


  1. Experience with narcissistic cases: An attorney with experience in handling cases involving narcissistic individuals will be better equipped to anticipate and address teh challenges you face. They will be familiar with the tactics commonly used by narcissists and know how to counteract them effectively.
  2. Strong communication skills: Your attorney should be able to communicate effectively and advocate for your interests assertively. Look for a lawyer who can articulate your position clearly and negotiate on your behalf.
  3. Strategic Thinking Choose an attorney who can develop and execute a strategic plan tailored to your specific situation. A strategic approach will help you navigate the complexities of the divorce process and achieve the best possible outcome.
  4. Supportive Approach: Choose a lawyer who understands the emotional aspects of your case and provides compassionate support throughout the process. A supportive attorney can help you identify ways to manage the stress and emotional challenges associated with the legal battle of divorcing a narcissist.

We're Here For You

Divorces involving narcissists are often prolonged due to a combination of emotional, financial, legal, and psychological factors. The intense disputes and unresolved issues between the parties involved can lead to extended negotiations, prolonged legal battles, and additional delays. While the road to resolution may be challenging, addressing the underlying issues and seeking professional support can ultimately lead to a more manageable outcome.



As experienced divorce and family law attorneys, our office is skilled at moving cases along efficiently, while still ensuring your interests are represented in your agreement. In addition to a skilled and experienced attorney, it is also important that you work with experienced mental health professionals. They can help you navigate this uncertain period of your life with grace and clarity.


If you are ready to move forward with a divorce or a separation agreement, we are here for you. The decision that you reach following your therapy sessions will help allow you to create the next chapter of your life with understanding, clarity, and purpose. Our dedicated and experienced attorneys will make sure that your interests and needs are heard and advocated for throughout the litigation/settlement process. Our mission is to protect what’s most important to you. You can reach us at for more information, or call us at 914.615.9058.

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